Update PYS and Boat Class autocomplete options when a Yardstick is modified or imported.
Fetch a new weather observation if the race start is updated.
Score by Boat
New to CorrectedTime: Present events the same way as other scoring apps!
Originally built for a small sailing club, CorrectedTime was always focused on inclusion. It replaced a spreadsheet that scored by sailor, not boat. This meant that sailors could chop and change, hopping into boats with friends or new members, without being penalised in event results.
However, this is not how many clubs (or results software) operate. So now, the event can be configured to either display a list of sailors (with race points and totals), or boats (with race points and totals).
Screenshot of Score by Boat vs Score by Sailor
Remove Google Analytics
Google provide a free tool for websites to analyse traffic. This allows developers, marketers or website owners to understand much about how their site is used. However, it also means that google has the same data. Although the data is anonymised, it sits uncomfortably in these days of increased privacy concerns, in a time when almost everything is done online.
I decided I don’t need access to this data, and nor does google.
Remove Cookies Notification
We don’t track you with external services. And now we don’t bug you with Cookie notices.
A notification that the website stores cookies (small chunks of text in your browser) to allow tracking is visible on nearly every commercial website. These notifications are a good step forward; now you know you are being tracked, either by external companies providing services (such as Google Analytics above) or by advertising companies.
However, if cookies are used solely to provide website functionality (to retain a login session, or remember if you like to view with increased text size, or in “dark mode”), then these notifications are not required.
Import an event during signup
Point us to the page for a Sailwave or Sail100 event or race, and we’ll do our best to import the results. This gives you a lovely kickstart by providing autocomplete with something to work from. Note this may not always work, so we’ll keep improving this with time.